Взрыв обьекта, при попадании пули. - Форум Игроделов
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Взрыв обьекта, при попадании пули.
AIDENДата: Вс, 05 Май 2013, 09:38 | Сообщение # 1
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Кидаете етот скрипт на тот обьект, который вы хотите взорвать.

var explosionRadius = 5.0;
var explosionPower = 10.0;
var explosionDamage = 100.0;
var explosionTimeout = 2.0;

function Start () {
  var explosionPosition = transform.position;

  // Apply damage to close by objects first
  var colliders : Collider[] = Physics.OverlapSphere (explosionPosition, explosionRadius);
  for (var hit in colliders) {
   // Calculate distance from the explosion position to the closest point on the collider
   var closestPoint = hit.ClosestPointOnBounds(explosionPosition);
   var distance = Vector3.Distance(closestPoint, explosionPosition);

   // The hit points we apply fall decrease with distance from the explosion point
   var hitPoints = 1.0 - Mathf.Clamp01(distance / explosionRadius);
   hitPoints *= explosionDamage;

   // Tell the rigidbody or any other script attached to the hit object how much damage is to be applied!
   hit.SendMessageUpwards("ApplyDamage", hitPoints, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

  // Apply explosion forces to all rigidbodies
  // This needs to be in two steps for ragdolls to work correctly.
  // (Enemies are first turned into ragdolls with ApplyDamage then we apply forces to all the spawned body parts)
  colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere (explosionPosition, explosionRadius);
  for (var hit in colliders) {
   if (hit.rigidbody)
    hit.rigidbody.AddExplosionForce(explosionPower, explosionPosition, explosionRadius, 3.0);
  // stop emitting particles
  if (particleEmitter) {
         particleEmitter.emit = true;
   yield WaitForSeconds(0.5);
   particleEmitter.emit = false;
     // destroy the explosion after a while
  Destroy (gameObject, explosionTimeout);

Моя игра - Collect Fruit
СообщениеКидаете етот скрипт на тот обьект, который вы хотите взорвать.

var explosionRadius = 5.0;
var explosionPower = 10.0;
var explosionDamage = 100.0;
var explosionTimeout = 2.0;

function Start () {
  var explosionPosition = transform.position;

  // Apply damage to close by objects first
  var colliders : Collider[] = Physics.OverlapSphere (explosionPosition, explosionRadius);
  for (var hit in colliders) {
   // Calculate distance from the explosion position to the closest point on the collider
   var closestPoint = hit.ClosestPointOnBounds(explosionPosition);
   var distance = Vector3.Distance(closestPoint, explosionPosition);

   // The hit points we apply fall decrease with distance from the explosion point
   var hitPoints = 1.0 - Mathf.Clamp01(distance / explosionRadius);
   hitPoints *= explosionDamage;

   // Tell the rigidbody or any other script attached to the hit object how much damage is to be applied!
   hit.SendMessageUpwards("ApplyDamage", hitPoints, SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver);

  // Apply explosion forces to all rigidbodies
  // This needs to be in two steps for ragdolls to work correctly.
  // (Enemies are first turned into ragdolls with ApplyDamage then we apply forces to all the spawned body parts)
  colliders = Physics.OverlapSphere (explosionPosition, explosionRadius);
  for (var hit in colliders) {
   if (hit.rigidbody)
    hit.rigidbody.AddExplosionForce(explosionPower, explosionPosition, explosionRadius, 3.0);
  // stop emitting particles
  if (particleEmitter) {
         particleEmitter.emit = true;
   yield WaitForSeconds(0.5);
   particleEmitter.emit = false;
     // destroy the explosion after a while
  Destroy (gameObject, explosionTimeout);

Автор - AIDEN
Дата добавления - 05 Май 2013 в 09:38
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