Вот список неполный список фичей, которые бросаются в глаза: *Естесственно все фичи из 1.17 и 1.18.003
*Увеличение производдительности на 10%-80%
*Компасс из Horror mod(то есть на исходнике от kxnrb - автора ХМ)
- IsTorch=x - запускает возможность вкл\выкл фонаря(ну, как в сталкере, проще говоря), если х=1
- TorchKey=x - вместо Х, пишем код клавиши, на которую будет включаться фонарь.
- TorchRange=х - дальность света фонаря.
- TorchRed=
- TorchGreen=
- TorchGreen=
Собственно, наличие красного, синего и зелёного пигментов в свете фонаря.Честно, пока не разобрался, либо регулируя значение от 255, либо ещё что-то, пока не работал.
- Gravitygun=x - оружие превращается в гравипушку.Левой - бросили предмет - правой, притянули к себе.Причём в Х, указываем, максимальное расстояние, на котором будет искаться предмет.
Подробнее тут:
Мод пока на стадии ОБТ.
Ссылка на последнюю вторую бетту с мануалом:
http://ars-predator.nextmail.ru/WASPV2 Public beta 2.zip
Внимание! Мод для третьей бетты патча 1.18
http://forum.thegamecreators.com/?m=forum_view&b=21&t=176670&p=0 - бетку 1.18 качать оттуда.
WASP ModV2 - by The Scene Commander & S4Real.
Beta 2
This mod is based on the 118 Beta FPSC creator source code and was written with the intention of allowing faster FPSC games to be created. While this is still the aim, we are now moving onto adding additional features.
Note:Games built prior to FPSC V1.17 will most likely not run with this mod.
Object culling is handled automatically when activated, but can be controlled using the CullState command. This command can be used in any script, but for speed I recommend that should you wish to overide the engine's cull system that it's range is set in it's appear script. A sample appear script is included with this download.
NOTE:WASP culling only works on Dynamic, mobile objects for this beta and to use WASP mod culling you will need to turn it on using Cullmode=1. A script is included for this.
New FPI actions
Cullmode=x where
0=Use global standard culling
1=Use WASP culling and access cullstate commands.
Cullstate= x where
x=0, use full culling on object, this is the default
x=1, use standard FPSC culling on object
x=2, Always show if on screen, can be thought of as SHOWOBJECT
x=3, Always hide regardless of range, can be thought of as HIDEOBJECT
x=???? cull object at ??? distance, where ??? = 100 for each segment.
Note: object within 150 automatically displayed regardless of this value, unless hidden by CULLSTATE=3
Flashlighton =turn on player flashlight from player cam
Flashlightoff=turn off player flashlight from player cam
Flashlightrange=range of player flashlight from player cam
Flashlightred=red element of player flashlight from player cam
Flashlightgreen=green element of player flashlight from player cam
Flashlightblue=blue element of player flashlight from player cam
Randomize = randomize the random seed from the timer.
Rnd X or Rnd variable name x = Produce a random number between 0 and x and add to either the current default local/global variable or to specified variable name.
Abs or Abs variable name = force current local/global or name variable to positive.
Compasson = Turns on the compass
Compassoff= Turns off the compass
CompassX = Compass x cordinate.
CompassY = Compass y cordinate
Compassspin = Sets the compass to spin
Needlespin = Sets the needle to spin
Arrowkeys=X - toggles use of the arrow keys for movement
Peekkey= X - toggles use of the the peekkeys
Crouchkey= X - toggles use of the crouchkey
Jumpkey= X - toggles use of the jumpkey
Walkkey=X - toggles use of the walkkey for movement
Push = Empty or name$ : Pushes either the current used variable or the named variable onto a reverse polish notation stack
Pop = Empty or name$ : Pops the top number from the stack and places it in current variable or named variable
AddRawText = String, Adds the string to the current RawText file
AddRawVar= Empty or name$, adds either the current variable or the named variable to the RawText file.
Armon = x 1=Turn on body armour, 0=No body armour, damage is deducted from armour before health.
SetArmx=x, X cord of the armour display
SetArmy=x, Y cord of the armour display
SetArm=x, Sets body armour value to X
ArmInc=X, add X to your current body armour
ArmDec=X, subtract X from your current armour.
New FPI conditions.
enemywithin=x y - X is the team whose enemies you want to find, Y is the distance
enemyfurther=x y - X is the team whose enemies you want to find, Y is the distance
allywithin=x y - X is the team whose allies you want to find, Y is the distance
allywithin=x y - X is the team whose allies you want to find, Y is the distance
teammemberwithin=x y - X is the team you want to find, Y is the distance
teammemberfurther=x y - X is the team you want to find, Y is the distance
entitywithin=x y - X is the name of the entity, Y is the distance within
entityfurther=x y - X is the name of the entity, Y is the distance further
entityinzone=x y - X is the name of the entity, Y is 0 or 1, 0 is not in zone, 1 is in zone
New Gun Specs
IsTorch=x 1=weapon has a flashlight attached
TorchKey=x scan code of key to toggle flashlight on/off
TorchRange=weapon flashlight range
TorchRed=Red Element of weapon flashlight
TorchGreen=Green Element of weapon flashlight
TorchBlue=Blue Element of weapon flashlight
Gravitygun=x Set's gun to act as a gravity gun with a range of X. In this mode, leftclick nudges objects, Rightclick picks objects up.
New Features
At a users request and with all credit to knrxb for the code, I've added FPSC IP 4.0, this is most likey the only multi-player feature I'll be adding. I've no intention of adding flak, dynamic entites, or any other major multiplayer feature.
If you have any issues please report on the FPSC Forum's here
Thank and Enjoy
The Scene Commander & S4Real.