этот скрипт вешается на персонажа и он двигается по заранее указанным точкам. задается скорость или время прохождения всего пути по точкам. задача стоит такая: управление персонажем по нажатию одной кнопки. на пример по " W". нажал сделал шаг и так далее пока не пройдет до конца весь маршрут . что и где надо написать в этом скрипте. прошу помочь в решении задачи.
/* This file is part of the "Simple Waypoint System" project by Rebound Games. * You are only allowed to use these resources if you've bought them directly or indirectly * from Rebound Games. You shall not license, sublicense, sell, resell, transfer, assign, * distribute or otherwise make available to any third party the Service or the Content. */
using UnityEngine; using System; using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using Holoville.HOTween; using Holoville.HOTween.Plugins;
//movement script: HOTween [AddComponentMenu("Simple Waypoint System/hoMove")] public class hoMove : MonoBehaviour { //which path to call public PathManager pathContainer; //animation path type, linear or curved, curved by default public PathType pathtype = PathType.Curved; //should this gameobject start to walk on game launch? public bool onStart = false; //should this gameobject walk to the first waypoint or just spawn there? public bool moveToPath = false; //close path for building a loop public bool closePath = false; //should this gameobject look to its target point? public bool orientToPath = false; //is this gameobject parented to or should move with the path? public bool local = false;
//lookAhead value used by orientToPath (0-1), 0 means restrict to path public float lookAhead = 0; //custom object size to add public float sizeToAdd = 0; //delay at each waypoint [HideInInspector] public float[] StopAtPoint; //messages to call at each waypoint [HideInInspector] public List<MessageOptions> _messages = new List<MessageOptions>();
//we have the choice between 2 different move options: //time in seconds one node step will take to complete //or animation based on speed public TimeValue timeValue = TimeValue.speed; public enum TimeValue { time, speed } //time or speed value public float speed = 5;
//animation easetype public EaseType easetype = EaseType.Linear; //animation looptype public LoopType looptype = LoopType.loop; //enum to choose from available looptypes public enum LoopType { none, loop, pingPong, random }
//cache all waypoint position references of requested path private Transform[] waypoints; [HideInInspector] //location indicator public int currentPoint = 0; //used on looptype = pingpong for counting currentpoint backwards private bool repeat = false;
//lock axis rotation variable public Axis lockAxis = Axis.None; //lock position variable public Axis lockPosition = Axis.None;
//animation component [HideInInspector] public Animation anim; //animation to play during walk time public AnimationClip walkAnim; //animation to play during waiting time public AnimationClip idleAnim; //whether animations should fade in over a period of time or not public bool crossfade = false;
//--HOTween animation helper variables-- //active HOTween tween public Tweener tween; //array of modified waypoint positions for the tween private Vector3[] wpPos; //parameters for the tween private TweenParms tParms; //HOTween path plugin for curved movement private PlugVector3Path plugPath; //looptype random generator private System.Random rand = new System.Random(); //looptype random waypoint index array private int[] rndArray; //looptype random current waypoint index private int rndIndex = 0; //whether the tween was paused private bool waiting = false;
//checks if gameobject should move on game start internal void Start() { //get animation component from children if (!anim) anim = gameObject.GetComponentInChildren<Animation>();
//start moving instantly if (onStart) StartMove(); }
//initialize or update waypoint positions internal void InitWaypoints() { //recreate array used for waypoint positions wpPos = new Vector3[waypoints.Length]; //fill array with original positions and add custom height for (int i = 0; i < wpPos.Length; i++) { wpPos[i] = waypoints[i].position + new Vector3(0, sizeToAdd, 0); } }
//can be called from an other script also to allow start delay public void StartMove() { //if we start the game and no path Container is set, debug a warning and return if (pathContainer == null) { Debug.LogWarning(gameObject.name + " has no path! Please set Path Container."); return; }
//get Transform array with waypoint positions waypoints = pathContainer.waypoints;
//cache original speed for future speed changes originSpeed = speed;
//check if delay array wasn't set in the editor, then we have to initialize it if (StopAtPoint == null) StopAtPoint = new float[waypoints.Length]; else if (StopAtPoint.Length < waypoints.Length) { //else if the delay array is smaller than the waypoint array, //that means we have added waypoints to the path but haven't modified the //delay settings, here we need to resize it again while keeping old values float[] tempDelay = new float[StopAtPoint.Length]; Array.Copy(StopAtPoint, tempDelay, StopAtPoint.Length); StopAtPoint = new float[waypoints.Length]; Array.Copy(tempDelay, StopAtPoint, tempDelay.Length); }
//check for message count and reinitialize if necessary if (_messages.Count > 0) InitializeMessageOptions();
//start moving StartCoroutine(Move()); }
//start moving depending on settings internal IEnumerator Move() { //if this object should walk to the first waypoint, //first start an additional tween if (moveToPath) yield return StartCoroutine(MoveToPath()); else //if we should not walk to the first waypoint, //we set this gameobject position directly to it and launch the next waypoint routine { //initialize waypoint positions InitWaypoints(); //we also add a defined size to our object height, //so our gameobject could "stand" on top of the path. transform.position = waypoints[currentPoint].position + new Vector3(0, sizeToAdd, 0); //directly look at the first waypoint at start if (orientToPath && currentPoint < wpPos.Length - 1) transform.LookAt(wpPos[currentPoint + 1]); }
//we're now at the first waypoint position, so directly call the next waypoint //on looptype random we have to initialize a random order of waypoints first //on all other settings we create the tween and start moving to the next waypoint if (looptype == LoopType.random) StartCoroutine(ReachedEnd()); else { CreateTween(); StartCoroutine(NextWaypoint()); } }
//move to path setting checked internal IEnumerator MoveToPath() { //if moveToPath equals true, we want to start movement from the current position //this means that our waypoint position array should start with the current position, //and then move to the first.
//then we fill that array with at least all waypoints of wpPos, but we dont need //more than 4 waypoints for calculating a bezier curve to the first waypoint int max = waypoints.Length > 4 ? 4 : waypoints.Length; wpPos = new Vector3[max];
for (int i = 1; i < max; i++) { //adding the custom height, starting from the second slot wpPos[i] = waypoints[i - 1].position + new Vector3(0, sizeToAdd, 0); } //finally set the first slot to the current position wpPos[0] = transform.position; //create HOTween tweener CreateTween(); //resume tweener if paused if (tween.isPaused) tween.Play();
//move object from current position to the first waypoint yield return StartCoroutine(tween.UsePartialPath(-1, 1).WaitForCompletion()); //disable moveToPath option as we are at the first waypoint now moveToPath = false;
//discard tweener because it was only used for this option tween.Kill(); tween = null; //reinitialize original waypoint positions InitWaypoints(); }
//creates a new HOTween tween which moves us to the next waypoint //(defined by passed arguments) internal void CreateTween() { //play walk animation if set PlayWalk();
//prepare HOTween's parameters, you can look them up here //http://www.holoville.com/hotween/documentation.html ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
//create new HOTween plugin for curved paths //pass in array of Vector3 waypoint positions, relative = true plugPath = new PlugVector3Path(wpPos, true, pathtype);
//orients the tween target along the path //constrains this game object on one axis if (orientToPath || lockAxis != Axis.None) plugPath.OrientToPath(lookAhead, lockAxis);
//lock position axis if (lockPosition != Axis.None) plugPath.LockPosition(lockPosition);
//create a smooth path if closePath was true if (closePath) plugPath.ClosePath(true);
//create TweenParms for storing HOTween's parameters tParms = new TweenParms(); //sets the path plugin as tween position property if (local) tParms.Prop("localPosition", plugPath); else tParms.Prop("position", plugPath); //additional tween parameters for partial tweens tParms.AutoKill(false); tParms.Pause(true); tParms.Loops(1);
//differ between TimeValue like mentioned above at enum TimeValue //use speed with linear easing if (timeValue == TimeValue.speed) { tParms.SpeedBased(); tParms.Ease(EaseType.Linear); } else //use time in seconds and the chosen easetype tParms.Ease(easetype);
//create a new tween, move this gameobject with given arguments tween = HOTween.To(transform, originSpeed, tParms);
//continue new tween with adjusted speed if it was changed before if(originSpeed != speed) ChangeSpeed(speed); }
//this method moves us one by one to the next waypoint //and executes all delay or tweening interaction internal IEnumerator NextWaypoint() { //loop through modified waypoint positions for (int point = 0; point < wpPos.Length - 1; point++) { //execute all messages for this waypoint StartCoroutine(SendMessages());
//execute waypoint delay if (StopAtPoint[currentPoint] > 0) yield return StartCoroutine(WaitDelay());
//check for pausing and wait until unpaused again while (waiting) yield return null;
//continue tween PlayWalk(); tween.Play(); //tween from current point to the next point in array wpPos yield return StartCoroutine(tween.UsePartialPath(point, point + 1).WaitForCompletion());
if (repeat) //repeating mode is on, decrease currentPoint one by one while moving backwards currentPoint--; else if (looptype == LoopType.random) { //count up random index after each waypoint rndIndex++;
//assign next waypoint of our shuffled array with currentPoint numbers currentPoint = rndArray[rndIndex]; } else //repeating mode off, normally increase currentPoint currentPoint++; }
//on looptype pingpong or random avoid additional message/delay execution at last waypoint if (looptype != LoopType.pingPong && looptype != LoopType.random) { StartCoroutine(SendMessages()); if (StopAtPoint[currentPoint] > 0) yield return StartCoroutine(WaitDelay()); }
//differ between tween options at the end of the path StartCoroutine(ReachedEnd()); }
//inserts a delay at the current waypoint internal IEnumerator WaitDelay() { //only delay waypoint movement if delay settings are edited to avoid unnecessary frame yield, //so current value at StopAtPoint has to be greater than zero //pause tween while waiting tween.Pause();
//play idle animation if set PlayIdle();
//wait seconds defined in StopAtPoint at current waypoint position //own implementation of a WaitForSeconds() coroutine, //with an additional check for pausing/unpausing (waiting) float timer = Time.time + StopAtPoint[currentPoint]; while (!waiting && Time.time < timer) yield return null; }
//execute messages at the current waypoint internal IEnumerator SendMessages() { //skip execution if no messages were set if(_messages.Count != waypoints.Length) yield break;
//loop through messages for this waypoint for (int i = 0; i < _messages[currentPoint].message.Count; i++) { //if no message name was defined, abort further execution if (_messages[currentPoint].message[i] == "") continue; //else store MessageOption at this waypoint MessageOptions mess = _messages[currentPoint]; //differ between various data types and pass in the corresponding value switch (mess.type[i]) { case MessageOptions.ValueType.None: SendMessage(mess.message[i], SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); break; case MessageOptions.ValueType.Object: SendMessage(mess.message[i], mess.obj[i], SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); break; case MessageOptions.ValueType.Text: SendMessage(mess.message[i], mess.text[i], SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); break; case MessageOptions.ValueType.Numeric: SendMessage(mess.message[i], mess.num[i], SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); break; case MessageOptions.ValueType.Vector2: SendMessage(mess.message[i], mess.vect2[i], SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); break; case MessageOptions.ValueType.Vector3: SendMessage(mess.message[i], mess.vect3[i], SendMessageOptions.DontRequireReceiver); break; } } }
//automatically initializes message slots at runtime, //if message count is not equal to path length internal void InitializeMessageOptions() { //check if message settings list wasn't set in the editor, //then we have to initialize it and add/remove an message per waypoint if (_messages.Count < waypoints.Length) { //message count is smaller than waypoint count, //add empty message per waypoint and refill with default values for (int i = _messages.Count; i < waypoints.Length; i++) { MessageOptions opt = AddMessageToOption(new MessageOptions()); _messages.Add(opt); } } else if (_messages.Count > waypoints.Length) { //message count is greater than actual waypoints, remove unnecessary messages for (int i = _messages.Count - 1; i >= waypoints.Length; i--) _messages.RemoveAt(i); } }
//add new message slot with default values to an existing message option internal MessageOptions AddMessageToOption(MessageOptions opt) { opt.message.Add(""); opt.type.Add(MessageOptions.ValueType.None); opt.obj.Add(null); opt.text.Add(null); opt.num.Add(0); opt.vect2.Add(Vector2.zero); opt.vect3.Add(Vector3.zero); return opt; }
//we reached the end of the path internal IEnumerator ReachedEnd() { //we differ between all looptypes, because each one has a specific property switch (looptype) { //LoopType.none means there will be no repeat, //so we just discard the tweener and return case LoopType.none:
//in a loop we set our position indicator back to zero and start from the beginning case LoopType.loop:
//additional option: if the path was closed, we move our object //from the last to the first waypoint instead of just "appearing" there if (closePath) { tween.Play(); PlayWalk(); yield return StartCoroutine(tween.UsePartialPath(currentPoint, -1).WaitForCompletion()); } currentPoint = 0; break;
//on LoopType.pingPong, we decrease our location indicator till it reaches zero again //to start from the beginning - to achieve that, and differ between back and forth, //we use the boolean "repeat" here and in NextWaypoint() case LoopType.pingPong:
//discard tweener as it only moved us forwards or backwards tween.Kill(); tween = null;
//we moved till the end of the path if (!repeat) { //enable repeat mode repeat = true; //update waypoint positions backwards for (int i = 0; i < wpPos.Length; i++) { wpPos[i] = waypoints[waypoints.Length - 1 - i].position + new Vector3(0, sizeToAdd, 0); } } else { //we are at the first waypoint again, //reinitialize original waypoint positions //and disable repeating mode InitWaypoints(); repeat = false; }
//create tweener for next iteration CreateTween(); break;
//on LoopType.random, we calculate a random order between all waypoints //and loop through them, for this case we use the Fisher-Yates algorithm case LoopType.random: //reset random index, because we calculate a new order rndIndex = 0; //reinitialize original waypoint positions InitWaypoints();
//discard tweener for new order if (tween != null) { tween.Kill(); tween = null; }
//create array with ongoing index numbers to keep them in mind, //this gets shuffled with all waypoint positions at the next step rndArray = new int[wpPos.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < rndArray.Length; i++) { rndArray[i] = i; }
//get total array length int n = wpPos.Length; //shuffle wpPos and rndArray while (n > 1) { int k = rand.Next(n--); Vector3 temp = wpPos[n]; wpPos[n] = wpPos[k]; wpPos[k] = temp;
//since all waypoints are shuffled the first waypoint does not //correspond with the actual current position, so we have to //swap the first waypoint with the actual waypoint //start by caching the first waypoint position and number Vector3 first = wpPos[0]; int rndFirst = rndArray[0]; //loop through wpPos array and find corresponding waypoint for (int i = 0; i < wpPos.Length; i++) { //currentPoint is equal to this waypoint number if (rndArray[i] == currentPoint) { //swap rnd index number and waypoint positions rndArray[i] = rndFirst; wpPos[0] = wpPos[i]; wpPos[i] = first; } } //set current rnd index number to the actual current point rndArray[0] = currentPoint;
//create tween with random order CreateTween(); break; }
//start moving to the next iteration StartCoroutine(NextWaypoint()); }
//play idle animation if set internal void PlayIdle() { //if an idle animation is attached and set, //and if crossfade is checked, fade walk animation out and fade idle in //else play it instantly if (idleAnim) { if (crossfade) anim.CrossFade(idleAnim.name, 0.2f); else anim.Play(idleAnim.name); } }
//play walk animation if set internal void PlayWalk() { //if a walk animation is attached to this walker object and set, //fade idle animation out (crossfade = true) and fade walk anim in, //or play it instantly (crossfade = false) if (walkAnim) { if (crossfade) anim.CrossFade(walkAnim.name, 0.2f); else anim.Play(walkAnim.name); } }
//method to change the current path of this walker object public void SetPath(PathManager newPath) { //disable any running movement methods Stop(); //set new path container pathContainer = newPath; //get new waypoint positions of our new path waypoints = pathContainer.waypoints; //reset current waypoint index to zero currentPoint = 0; //restart/continue movement on new path StartMove(); }
//disables any running movement methods public void Stop() { //exit waypoint coroutine StopAllCoroutines(); //destroy current HOTween movement component HOTween.Kill(transform); plugPath = null; tween = null; //play idle animation if set PlayIdle(); }
//stops movement of our walker object and sets it back to first waypoint public void Reset() { //disable any running movement methods Stop(); //reset current waypoint index to zero currentPoint = 0; //position this walker at our first waypoint, with our additional height if (pathContainer) transform.position = waypoints[currentPoint].position + new Vector3(0, sizeToAdd, 0); }
//pauses the current tween and tries to play the idle animation public void Pause() { //block further tween execution in NextWaypoint() waiting = true; //pause the tweener of this object and play idle animation HOTween.Pause(transform); PlayIdle(); }
//resumes the current tween and tries to play the walk animation public void Resume() { //unblock further tween execution in NextWaypoint() waiting = false; //resume tweener HOTween.Play(transform); //play walk animation PlayWalk(); }
//cache original speed at start private float originSpeed; //change running tween speed //manipulates HOTween's tween timeScale value public void ChangeSpeed(float value) { //calulate new timeScale value based on original speed float newValue; if (timeValue == TimeValue.speed) newValue = value / originSpeed; else newValue = originSpeed / value; //set speed, change HOTween timescale percentually to 'newValue' speed = value; tween.timeScale = newValue; }
//get message option at a specific waypoint, //auto adds messages if desired messageID is greater than zero public MessageOptions GetMessageOption(int waypointID, int messageID) { //in case message options weren't used before InitializeMessageOptions();
//get message option at waypoint MessageOptions opt = _messages[waypointID];
//adds additional messages if required for (int i = opt.message.Count; i <= messageID; i++) AddMessageToOption(opt);
Добавлено (07 Дек 2013, 10:54) --------------------------------------------- или Как приостановить работу программы, до нажатия кнопки? а там сам попробую найти куда вставить)))
"transform.position = waypoints[currentPoint].position + new Vector3(0, sizeToAdd, 0); " вот тут можешь сделать проверку на нажатие кнопки наверное.. Либо же if (StopAtPoint == null) сюда по нажатию кнопки передавать тот поинт на котором ты сейчас..наверное..пробуй.
В СКРИПТЕ Пробовал куда можно вставить ожидание нажатие клавиши. И тут тоже ("transform.position = waypoints[currentPoint].position + new Vector3(0, sizeToAdd, 0); " вот тут можешь сделать проверку на нажатие кнопки наверное.. Либо же if (StopAtPoint == null) сюда по нажатию кнопки передавать тот поинт на котором ты сейчас..наверное..пробуй.)
Выдает при сохранении (has line endings which differ from the policy settings. do you want to convert the line endings. имеет конца строк, которые отличаются от параметров политики. вы хотите конвертировать окончания строк.)
Думал проблема в правильности написания ожидания клавиши. пробовал и это Thread.Sleep(1000); чтобы проверить правильно выбранное место в скрипте. Тоже самое НЕ РАБОТАЕТ. ??????